May 1, 2010

Chiling Waterfalls, Kuala Kubu Bharu


Entrance to the Chiling Waterfalls

Kuala Kubu Bharu is a sleepy town just 10 minutes away from Fraser's Hill and about an hour's drive from Petaling Jaya. We did a little research on KKB and found out that there is a "jaw-dropping" waterfall before you reach  the "GAP". Just like its name, the Chiling Waterfall is a great place to chill when you want to escape for a day. And yes, we had to hike up to the falls. It took us about 2 hours ( whart??! we took our time) to get to the falls as we were lost a couple of times and I had a minor "doop dee dee do". If you are an experienced hiker it would take you about 45 minutes.

From left-clockwise: Entrance, Ticket Booth/Pondok, Useless billboard map

Since we were amateur hikers, it was a good thing we went on a weekend as there were a few people around to ask for directions. There were no maps given and please DO NOT follow the directions on the billboard map by the side of the ticket booth. Its plain useless.

First river crossing on a suspended bridge

We had to cross 5 rivers to reach the falls and the very first one was on a suspended bridge. The water levels can reach up to your waist at the other 4 crossings so its not advisable to go during the rainy season.  The treks were visible but was deceiving at times as some places had 2 treks. We also had to stretch our bodies like we never had before as some places required bendy gymnastic moves..

Awesome butterflies!

Wild Flowers and Plants

Irresistable "Crocs"

While hiking up, we discovered a small patch of land filled with lovely butterflies so we got  up close and personal with them. There were also many interesting wild plants and flowers.

Last photo taken

That's where I fell (Can't believe I actually slipped between those rocks!)

This crossing here was the last photo taken by my dear camera as I slipped and fell between those rocks like a freaggin' new born hippo. The water looked reasonably calm but all it took was one foot on the slippery rock and the next thing I knew, I was doing a mini white-water rafting activity. In that few seconds, I saw my camera's life flashed before my eyes (It's at the clinic now, fingers crossed). Oh and yes I learnt a few good lessons, never underestimate nature or rather the strength of water and also NEVER depend on "some" (I said some) Malaysian men as they would leave you to die in difficult times.

Chiling Waterfalls. Amazing ain't it?

After 2 gruelling hours of hiking, we finally made it up to the falls and let me tell you, its the most fantastic waterfall I have ever seen. We took a looong while to absorb its beauty and surroundings (no... not the shirtless dudes). You just have to be there to know what I'm talking about, words just can't describe it...  the water was icy cold, perfect for a dip after a hot long walk through the forest.


Entrance Fee: RM 1.00 per adult. Free for kids 12 years and below.

GPS Coordinates to the Chiling Waterfall:    N:  03     35.710'
                                                                                  E:  101   45.050'

Those without GPS gadgets:  Look out for a sign board that says "Santuari Ikan Sungai Chiling". It will be on the right side if you are coming from Kuala Lumpur. That is the entrance to the falls.

      Left: Entrance to the Waterfall                        Right: The ticket booth/pondok

Where to Park: Just after you see this bridge there is an open space on the left. Or you can park anywhere along the roadside. Do not leave your important belongings in the car.



**  Ask for an emergency phone number at the ticket booth/pondok.

**  Please use proper footwear, NOT flip flops or thongs or heels ( I saw a lady wearing those!). The rocks are VERY slippery and the treks are really muddy.

**  Those intending to bring toddlers please use a baby backpack.

**  Use insect repellant.

**  Put your important gadgets (cameras, GPS, handphones) in a zip lock/ waterproof bag. (Highly recommended) 

**  Please don't throw your rubbish everywhere.. Bring along a plastic bag!!! (Come on now, be a good citizen, it doesn't take an ounce of sweat)


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This blog is about places we have been and things we have done during our trip. From time to time we will get our friends to write as well. For those of you who would like to contribute, by reviewing or writing about a certain place of interest, do contact us. All credits will be given to the writer itself.

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